Monday, December 11, 2017

Character Information

Name: Narya Paxton-Giese
Nickname: Narya
Title: Destructive Concept of Madness, Warlord of Ethona, Aspect of the Giese Clan
Species: Deity
Home World: The Void
Home Land: Ethona
Accent Sounds Like: Ukrainian
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 6'4"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green

In the beginning there was only the void, but the void was not as empty as some might have believed. The void had consciousness, and he would send his own thoughts into the vast emptiness. It appeared to him that these thoughts took life of their own, but they faded away before he could be certain. So, he sent more thoughts--louder and more vocal--than the previous ones, hoping to make life these thoughts gained stay and develop into a consciousness much like he was, but just like the others they too faded. He eventually realized that these thoughts needed to have a consciousness before he sent it out into the vast emptiness. It was only with its own consciousness would these thoughts not only survive--but thrive on its own.

So, the void took three pieces of his own essence, placed each inside a different thought, and sent those thoughts out into the emptiness. He than waited to see if his theory was correct. It didn't take him long to discover that it was. Out within the vast emptiness, his seeds developed and grew until six not three unique consciousness emerged. Through, the two consciousness that came from the same seed shared a deep connection. They considered themselves to be one being even if they occupy two different bodies. Other consciousness came into being during this time. No one knows for certain how this came to pass. The void thinks that when he removed pieces of his essence and placed it inside those thoughts that some broke off and consciousness formed from that. Some consciousness, also, might have came into being when the three turned into six.

Whatever the case might be, the void was now far from the other consciousness within the vast emptiness. This emptiness started to take shape, started to turn into a land--no a world--with leaders and subjects, rules, customs, and all things that one might find within a society. The void developed into more than one society. It--like countless other worlds--had multiple societies or even countries. However, it is different than many worlds because it acknowledge an ultimate leader--the void itself, whom they refer to as king. If others took the title of king they acknowledge the void as king of the entire world while they were only king of an individual nation. However, this distinction wasn't needed at first--as only seven nations developed at this time.

One for the void, himself and one for the six consciousness that emerged from the void's seeds. These six consciousness became known as the warlords of the void, and while other kingdoms have since emerged since these first seven they--like the void himself--are acknowledge as ultimate power within the entire void rather than just within their individual kingdom. For many eons, only these seven kingdoms existed than another consciousness emerged from the void. When he had thrust his seeds out of himself another had taken root deep within his core. Here this seed grew from the smallest spark until it busted forth from him into a being called the light. 

It was clear that she was different from the six warlords. They just didn't figure out how right away. She became queen of the void. She ruled along side her husband for countless years until one day she found herself pregnant with the void's child, and eventually gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. None of them realized that life could come to be in this way and the six warlords tried to bring forth a child like she had but to no avail. The light begun to wonder if she could give birth with her body if she could give birth with her mind, as well. It was here that she eventually created the world of Asmiara and the species of witches to populate it. She did more than create another kingdom within a void. She created a world that was separate enough from the void that it was governed by a very different set of laws than the void was.

The void, however, held influence over the creation of her world. She created six concepts that she believed would not only help her new creation thrive but grow as well. However, she did not pull these six concepts out of thin air. She made them from essences that she pulled from the six warlords. She wanted her siblings to be apart of her new world. She, also, asked her siblings to take upon the role of destructive concepts. She knew that a creation like hers needs energy to maintain itself, and that every once in awhile it will need to go into the void to recharge. She asked the six warlords to be the ones to bring her creation into the void---so it can recharge. She knew failure to do this would not only hurt her world, but the very fabric of the void itself. The six warlords became known as the destructive concepts and the six concepts that the light created from their essences became known as the six creative concepts.

In the beginning of this world there were twelve clans. The six creative concept ruled over theirs directly while the destructive concepts named someone to rule within their stead--as they were known to vanish inside the void for extended period of time. The person the destructive concepts named as their voice were their high priest or high priestess---sometimes both. The destructive concepts were extremely fond of their creative counterparts. They considered them to be as much a part of them as the other destructive concept whom had emerged from the same seed as them. They, also, didn't believe that the creative concept of the destructive concept whom had emerged from the same seed as them was connected to them in that manner. 

The creative concepts brought into existence their own species that would eventually spread across the world of Asmiara and form their own societies. However, the creations of these species were not the only things that the creative concepts gave birth to. They showed that they were capable of bringing life into universe in the same way that life was. More than that they showed they showed that they and the other children of the light was capable of reproducing with any child of the void--including the destructive concepts themselves. The first child born from such an union was, also, the only one to be born from the pairing of a destructive and creative concept. Her father was Narya--the destructive concept of madness-and her mother, whom had been created from a piece of Narya's essence was the creative concept of magic.

Narya did not realize until the birth of his daughter how much he had wanted a child. He had tried with his destructive counterpart to have a child, but had always maintained the idea that it didn't matter to him if he ever had one and only wanted one because he thought it would make his other part overjoyed. It wasn't until he held his daughter within his arms did he come to understand how much he had be deluding himself. He loved his little girl with all his being. She was the apple of his eyes--his little princess. He watched he grow and was proud of the woman she had became. There was only one problem. His daughter appeared to be ashamed to be his child. She did not come right out and say this, but it was clear in the way she refused to embrace the qualities she got from him. She embraced the light aspects of herself, but when it came to embracing her darker nature she refused to do so.

Narya never spoke to his daughter how much he was hurt by her rejection. He wanted her to be happy, and if the only way for her to find happiness was to reject that part of him that was inside her than he was more than willing to endure that pain. His daughter was engaged to marry the son of the first dragon and Narya's high priest. This marriage would never came to pass as she ended up leaving her betrothed to be with his twin brother. This decision hurt her betrothed greatly. He felt betrayed by them both and decided that he needed to rewrite the universe. He had always been sensitive to the world him--feeling the world's pain as intensely as his--and this betrayal, as he called it, made him even more sensitive to it. So, much so that he decided that he needed rewrite the universe in order to stop it suffering.

He set out to do this, and of course, there were those whom did not wish to see this happen. They fought against him, but he proved that he wasn't a force to be taken lightly. The creative concept got involved and he proved to be a challenge even for them--especially when Ceri asked them not to kill him. She loved him like her child and thought they could stop him without ended his life. She believed that if they could put him someplace where he could calm down--a place where he didn't have to feel the pain of the entire world and everything within it--that he would give his quest to rewrite everything. It was decided that they would seal him inside his own world where he could heal, and be released when that day arrived. His daughter, their son, and his twin brother were all going to be sealed inside this world with him. 

However, this would never come to pass. Those whom he had brought underneath his banner had killed his twin and scattered pieces of his body all over the world. Narya's daughter--catching wind of this plan--tried to stop it before it could be carried out. She--liked so many of her kind--believed that if a body was scattered in that manner that the soul would wander aimlessly for the rest of time the realm between the living and dead. Witches believed that the body needed to be buried whole in order for the soul to move onto the afterlife. She arrived too late. However, she knew that he betrothed would never wish to see his brother endure such a fate. He was angry at him, but he did not despise.

She knew that if she brought attention to his betrothed what had been done to his brother that he would give up his plans to rewrite the universe in order to save him from such a fate and perhaps in the process he could be convince to give up his plan entirely, at least that what Narya believes her reason for rushing towards him in the manner that she did. It might be possible that she knew that the spell was coming to its final stage and that she was rushing to where he was so she, at the very least, could be pulled into that world with him. The only thing that was for certain that like with his brother she arrived too late. He was sealed away inside that world which was created for him just as she arrived. 

This spell cost the creative concepts a great deal. It cost them their lives, and no one knew if they would ever take physical form again. It was believed by many that their essence would just exist as energy within the world of Asmiara and influence it that way. However, it was clear to everyone that if they were going to return that it wasn't going to be very many years and that their absence created a void that needed to be filled. People begun to fight on which of them was best to filled this role, and another war broke out. One--just like with the dragon's son--threaten to tear their world apart. More than that, some of the people were becoming extremely corrupted in the process. Taking notice of this, Narya's daughter decided to seal those corrupt people away and influenced their minds until they killed themselves.

The ones that remained she rewrote their history. She made them believe that there were only ever six clans instead of twelve. This wasn't as hard as some might believe. Some of the clans seeing the direction this war was headed decided to leave the clan collective to settle elsewhere. His daughter decided to keep these clans in isolation by not allowing the collective to know about them. The years drifted by, and it became clear to Narya, the other destructive concepts, and those whom had actually known the creative concepts that they were not going to be anything more than energy that indirectly influenced the world of Asmiara. They were reborn and Narya and the others found their reincarnations many times.

Once Narya discovered that it was possible for the creative concepts to be reborn he kept an eye out for magic's reincarnations. He never told her whom she was, but he vowed to protect her while she lived these new lives. He believed that eventually she would remember her true identity. He, also, knew that the other destructive concepts were just as protective of their creative counterpart as he was. The death of the creative concepts, also, affected the destructive concept in the sense that it striped them of their humanity. They were harsher than they were before, less forgiving than they had been when their creative counterparts had been alive.Through, there were some whom believed that in spite these changes that destructive concepts would never harm them.

One such person was Narya's high priestess. She claimed that he loved her too much to kill her, and he did more than prove her wrong. He granted her the gift of telepathy--a curse others might say, as this ability tends to drive the users insane. And Narya claims anyone with this talent as one of his own. He claims that he killed her because he didn't like her arrogance in thinking that he loved her, and she needed to be taught that he didn't share as deep of an affection for her as she thought. However, the truth was that he did. He was terrified of how much he loved her. He was scared of losing her, and thought that if he killed her before anything else could that it would ease the pain of that lose--as well as keep anyone for attempting to use her death as a mean to harm him.  He, also, didn't grant her the gift of telepathy as a punishment for her arrogance. He gave it to her so when she was reborn she could call upon him when she is danger, and he could come to her rescue.

During the passage of these year, Narya and the other destructive concepts have brought the world of Asmiara into the void. The people of Asmiara, however, forget the time they spent within the void. They, even for the most part, forget about Narya and the other six warlord bringing them into the void into the first place. Narya says mostly because echoes of these memories are found within legends and myths scattered all over the world of Asmiara. They know when these recharge need to happen, and after the creative concepts death Narya and the other six warlords only ever entered the world all together when they decided that Asmiara needed to recharge.

This, however, did not stop others from believing they knew when the end should come. These people summoned the destructive concepts forth from the void--hoping to usher in the end of days. It might be possible that they were just trying to summon the destructive concepts to gain control of them and since all six found themselves summoned at the same time they just decided to end the world. Not everyone tried to summon all six at once. Some only summoned one, but they quickly discover that is a mistake. Narya and the other six warlords are more inclined to do what the summoner request of them when they are summoned in pair. This is because the destructive concepts become greatly offended if they are summoned without the one whom had emerged from the same seed as them. So, much so that they will kill the summoner if they summon them without their counterpart.

Through, not every one realized that it has to be their counterpart. Some think as long as they summon them in pair that is good enough. This mistake offends the six warlords even more than if they had been summoned alone. Over the course of time, they have been summoned many times. The most recent had brought them into Asmiara's currant history. It was not Narya or his counterpart that had been summoned, but another one of his siblings. The man, whom had summoned her forth, had done so in hopes of allowing the essence of his sister to erase the essence of the woman whom body he planned on sealing Narya's sister within. This woman was the reincarnation of magic--a detail that the man was unaware of, but the one he summoned was very aware of that fact.

So, she decided to take possessions of someone else. It might, also, be that she didn't make this decision and that the universe decided not to let magic be possessed in this manner was sent into another body. The other body she had found herself within had been a human girl that void had grown quite fond of, and he became very upset over her presence within her. He demanded that she leave, but she didn't want to leave--eventually she decided to leave a piece of herself within the girl and allow the rest of her take possession of the unborn child growing within her. Since the child did not have a soul of its own. It would simply be her being born into Asmiara instead of summoned into it. And since, this human girl was pregnant with two babies at this time her counterpart decided to possession of the other. 

Narya and the other destructive concept decided to entire the world together as well. They decided to be born into it--as they tend to do when they decide that the end is near instead of taking advantage of a situation. However, the void forbid them from ending the world. He told them they could not end the world while the human girl he came to love lived within it, at least not without his permission. They agreed, and for the first time since before the creative concepts have given up their lives they walk the world with no intention of ending. Also, the creative concepts are remembering the truth of the identity and have been regaining their powers. The first one to regain it all was magic, whom was also the one to give birth to Narya and his counterpart. There are those that believe the creative concepts regain their powers will, also, lead the destructive concepts to regain their humanity. Only time will tell if this is true. However, the high priest and high priestess of the destructive concepts have been reborn--including Narya's high priestess, whom he had killed to prove he didn't love her.

Face Portrayed By: Reeve Carney and Unknown

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